Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

Highlights from 2024/2025 

READ author event


Year 3 and 4 took part in a live author READ event with Sophy Henn.  She introduced us to her new 'lifesize' books all about animals! We even joined in with Sophie when she taught us all how to draw a giraffe!

Did you know that giant squids can meansure up to 18m?

We used a very long piece of string, to demonstrate just how long 18m is!

We now have lots of year 3 and 4 children eager to check out Sophie's books!

Highlights from 2023/2024 

Year 1 Smoothie making!

Donaldson Class Assembly

Reception class did their first class assembly today and were absolutely incredible. Such loud, clear voices!

Pennine Sports Partnership Year 3/4 and 6 cricket competition at Scholes CC - Huddersfield.

The children did amazing and showed great; skill, determination, resilience and most importantly sportsmanship. Unfortunately the children didn’t qualify for the final but we are proud of them regardless.


Number Day

KS1 have been doing lots of of maths activities. Following and giving mathematical instructions, measuring to see who can throw the furthest and using digit cards to problem solve.

Reception Class Trip

Donaldson class had a wonderful trip to the Holmfirth Fire Station and Read. Holmfirth book shop. 

Year 5 art project

The children are learning about yarn and had to do some yarn bombing! 

Year 3 / 4 visit from Holmfirth High School

The Year 9 and 10 children from Holmfirth High School hosted a science morning looking at; time travel, light boxes, the periodic table, pendulums and speed. The children loved learning about new things and being able to explore the different apparatus and equipment!

Year 5 Holmfirth Fire Station visit 

The Year 5 children had a very interesting afternoon with Holmfirth Fire Station, they learnt all about what do in a house fire and how to keep themselves safe. 

Reception Class

Reception have had a visit from West Yorkshire Police as part of their 'People Who Help Us' topic, they have also made some amazing fire engines.

Greenman Learning Trip

Years 1 and 2 have had the best day ever at Greenman Learning, they spent the day building bridges, dens, dams, going on the zip line and toasting marshmallows!

Roman Workshop visit

The Year 3 and 4 children had a great day with Maximus the Roman Soldier! What a great start to their new topic!

Quaker house visit

The Year 3 and 4 children enjoyed their visit to the Quaker house. They learnt lots about the Quaker religion and how many Quakers are involved in world peace talks! The children took part in a five minute quiet session at the end of the meeting just as the Quakers do. The children also had a walk around the local area to look at other religious buildings. 

Easter crafting afternoon with parents

Making Poo!

The Year 3 and 4 children have had lots of fun making 'poo'! The children replicated the digestive system by using; bread, orange juice, tights and a sandwich bag. The food eventually left the 'body' as waste which the children loved!!

Let Girls Play - football

48 girls took part in the #LetGirlsPlay biggest football game. We had 6 teams playing over 3 pitches. The girls did amazing and thoroughly enjoyed it with some even going to challenge the boys in the games arena afterwards.

World Book Day Challenge

This years reading challenge was 'Reading in strange places' and I must say we've had some excellent entries

Year 5 Recycling Workshop

The children played board games teaching them about environmental positivity and putting things in the right bins, they listened to a story about others who look after the environment, they took a quiz testing their knowledge and finished the day off litter picking around our school grounds.

Year 6 Think Forensic Workshop

Year 6 children had a mystery to solve! The children used finger prints, tyre/shoe tracks, technology and even looked at DNA to try and solve the crime.

Year 2 Humanist Visit

A humanist came to speak to the children about their beliefs. She explained how humanists believe there is only one life and because of this belief they find happiness in everything they do.

Year 5 - The Little Shop of Horrors

Year 5 visited Holmfirth High School to watch their performance of 'The Little Shop of Horrors'

Yorkshire Water workshop

Year 3 and 4 took part in a Yorkshire Water virtual workshop. The children learnt all about how water is cleaned, what to put and not put down the drains and how to be more water conscious.

Christmas Craft Afternoon

Glitter, glitter everywhere! Thankyou to all the parents who joined us for our craft afternoon

Mrs Barrow's Skydive

Well it finally happened! After many attempts Mrs Barrow finally managed to launch herself out of a plane! She would like to pass on her many thanks for your support, encouragement and donations.

Highlights from 2022/2023


World Book Day 2023

Each class celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed as their favourite book characters. Can you spot any well known characters? We spent the day sharing and writing poetry and illustrating our work.  This great day came to an end with a fancy dress parade, staff poem and some of our wonderful children came to the front to read out their fabulous poems!


Year 6 were given a very important solve the crime! WHO stole the school trophy?

New Mill Schools Photography Festival 2022

Children in Need Bake Off 2022

Children at the infants and juniors baked their socks off in order to raise money for Children in Need.  Look at the delicious bakes! Yum! 

Year 6 War Memorial Walk 2022

Year 6 visited the local New Mill War Memorial to remember the fallen.  The children were moved by the links between soldiers from their local area and WW2.  They wrote messages on their remembrance cross and Mr Tinker displayed these in the form of a cross.  He explained all about the War Memorial and what it means to so many.

Year 4 also created some lovely poppy themed artwork to help us remember which is displayed around school.

Highlights from 2021/2022

Science Photography Festival

Pupils at New Mill were tasked with taking photographs as part of the Science Photography Festival. They had to enter images which communicate a scientific story as well as being visually striking. We think they succeeded! Well done to all those who took part.


A very talented Year 6 Student wrote a poem, his family put music to the lyrics and recorded a beautiful song.  We are so lucky that they have kindly given us permission to share this with you all....   



A Visit from a Paralympic Athlete!!    

Next week New Mill Infant School will have a very exciting visitor - Michael Churm - a Team GB Paralympic Athlete. Michael is a GB Paralympic Sprinter and competes in the T37 category. He made the finals in both the T37 100m and 200m in the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing. Michael's greatest high is winning his Paralympic silver medal and becoming European Champion. He is really looking forward to meeting everyone at the infants and sends them this message... 



Thank you Read - Holmfirth!!   

A huge THANK YOU to our friends at our local independent bookshop - Read for the wonderful delivery of books to both schools this week.

New Mill Infants were very excited to receive a class set of Supertato books... Supertato is incredibly popular, especially with our Year 1 classes. 

New Mill Juniors very gratefully received a class set of Victoria Stitch books. We are planning to have a featured author display about Harriet Muncaster in our library area after half term.



UK Parliament Ambassador   

You might remember - way back before lockdown - that the junior school took a trip to London to visit Parliament and learn about what happens there. A huge amount of work was done on this in school and during lockdown Mrs Bounds received and email from the Parliament Education & Engagement Officer which said...

 "Thank you very much for your portfolio submission, it’s great to see how committed you are to spreading the word about UK Parliament! I was particularly impressed by the work of your Debating Club – what an interesting topic to discuss! Also, it’s great to see you and your pupils’ work celebrated in the newspaper.

I am delighted to welcome you as a UK Parliament Teacher Ambassador (Gold)!"

This means that we can now proudly display this badge right here...

The document below shows how much work went into this award. A huge well done to Mrs Bounds and all the children involved.


If you are wondering what the strange noises are at the start of the video you can find out more by clicking here. See if you can learn the Makaton for Katy Perry's "Roar". 

Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

Highlights from 2024/2025 

READ author event


Year 3 and 4 took part in a live author READ event with Sophy Henn.  She introduced us to her new 'lifesize' books all about animals! We even joined in with Sophie when she taught us all how to draw a giraffe!

Did you know that giant squids can meansure up to 18m?

We used a very long piece of string, to demonstrate just how long 18m is!

We now have lots of year 3 and 4 children eager to check out Sophie's books!

Highlights from 2023/2024 

Year 1 Smoothie making!

Donaldson Class Assembly

Reception class did their first class assembly today and were absolutely incredible. Such loud, clear voices!

Pennine Sports Partnership Year 3/4 and 6 cricket competition at Scholes CC - Huddersfield.

The children did amazing and showed great; skill, determination, resilience and most importantly sportsmanship. Unfortunately the children didn’t qualify for the final but we are proud of them regardless.


Number Day

KS1 have been doing lots of of maths activities. Following and giving mathematical instructions, measuring to see who can throw the furthest and using digit cards to problem solve.

Reception Class Trip

Donaldson class had a wonderful trip to the Holmfirth Fire Station and Read. Holmfirth book shop. 

Year 5 art project

The children are learning about yarn and had to do some yarn bombing! 

Year 3 / 4 visit from Holmfirth High School

The Year 9 and 10 children from Holmfirth High School hosted a science morning looking at; time travel, light boxes, the periodic table, pendulums and speed. The children loved learning about new things and being able to explore the different apparatus and equipment!

Year 5 Holmfirth Fire Station visit 

The Year 5 children had a very interesting afternoon with Holmfirth Fire Station, they learnt all about what do in a house fire and how to keep themselves safe. 

Reception Class

Reception have had a visit from West Yorkshire Police as part of their 'People Who Help Us' topic, they have also made some amazing fire engines.

Greenman Learning Trip

Years 1 and 2 have had the best day ever at Greenman Learning, they spent the day building bridges, dens, dams, going on the zip line and toasting marshmallows!

Roman Workshop visit

The Year 3 and 4 children had a great day with Maximus the Roman Soldier! What a great start to their new topic!

Quaker house visit

The Year 3 and 4 children enjoyed their visit to the Quaker house. They learnt lots about the Quaker religion and how many Quakers are involved in world peace talks! The children took part in a five minute quiet session at the end of the meeting just as the Quakers do. The children also had a walk around the local area to look at other religious buildings. 

Easter crafting afternoon with parents

Making Poo!

The Year 3 and 4 children have had lots of fun making 'poo'! The children replicated the digestive system by using; bread, orange juice, tights and a sandwich bag. The food eventually left the 'body' as waste which the children loved!!

Let Girls Play - football

48 girls took part in the #LetGirlsPlay biggest football game. We had 6 teams playing over 3 pitches. The girls did amazing and thoroughly enjoyed it with some even going to challenge the boys in the games arena afterwards.

World Book Day Challenge

This years reading challenge was 'Reading in strange places' and I must say we've had some excellent entries

Year 5 Recycling Workshop

The children played board games teaching them about environmental positivity and putting things in the right bins, they listened to a story about others who look after the environment, they took a quiz testing their knowledge and finished the day off litter picking around our school grounds.

Year 6 Think Forensic Workshop

Year 6 children had a mystery to solve! The children used finger prints, tyre/shoe tracks, technology and even looked at DNA to try and solve the crime.

Year 2 Humanist Visit

A humanist came to speak to the children about their beliefs. She explained how humanists believe there is only one life and because of this belief they find happiness in everything they do.

Year 5 - The Little Shop of Horrors

Year 5 visited Holmfirth High School to watch their performance of 'The Little Shop of Horrors'

Yorkshire Water workshop

Year 3 and 4 took part in a Yorkshire Water virtual workshop. The children learnt all about how water is cleaned, what to put and not put down the drains and how to be more water conscious.

Christmas Craft Afternoon

Glitter, glitter everywhere! Thankyou to all the parents who joined us for our craft afternoon

Mrs Barrow's Skydive

Well it finally happened! After many attempts Mrs Barrow finally managed to launch herself out of a plane! She would like to pass on her many thanks for your support, encouragement and donations.

Highlights from 2022/2023


World Book Day 2023

Each class celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed as their favourite book characters. Can you spot any well known characters? We spent the day sharing and writing poetry and illustrating our work.  This great day came to an end with a fancy dress parade, staff poem and some of our wonderful children came to the front to read out their fabulous poems!


Year 6 were given a very important solve the crime! WHO stole the school trophy?

New Mill Schools Photography Festival 2022

Children in Need Bake Off 2022

Children at the infants and juniors baked their socks off in order to raise money for Children in Need.  Look at the delicious bakes! Yum! 

Year 6 War Memorial Walk 2022

Year 6 visited the local New Mill War Memorial to remember the fallen.  The children were moved by the links between soldiers from their local area and WW2.  They wrote messages on their remembrance cross and Mr Tinker displayed these in the form of a cross.  He explained all about the War Memorial and what it means to so many.

Year 4 also created some lovely poppy themed artwork to help us remember which is displayed around school.

Highlights from 2021/2022

Science Photography Festival

Pupils at New Mill were tasked with taking photographs as part of the Science Photography Festival. They had to enter images which communicate a scientific story as well as being visually striking. We think they succeeded! Well done to all those who took part.


A very talented Year 6 Student wrote a poem, his family put music to the lyrics and recorded a beautiful song.  We are so lucky that they have kindly given us permission to share this with you all....   



A Visit from a Paralympic Athlete!!    

Next week New Mill Infant School will have a very exciting visitor - Michael Churm - a Team GB Paralympic Athlete. Michael is a GB Paralympic Sprinter and competes in the T37 category. He made the finals in both the T37 100m and 200m in the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing. Michael's greatest high is winning his Paralympic silver medal and becoming European Champion. He is really looking forward to meeting everyone at the infants and sends them this message... 



Thank you Read - Holmfirth!!   

A huge THANK YOU to our friends at our local independent bookshop - Read for the wonderful delivery of books to both schools this week.

New Mill Infants were very excited to receive a class set of Supertato books... Supertato is incredibly popular, especially with our Year 1 classes. 

New Mill Juniors very gratefully received a class set of Victoria Stitch books. We are planning to have a featured author display about Harriet Muncaster in our library area after half term.



UK Parliament Ambassador   

You might remember - way back before lockdown - that the junior school took a trip to London to visit Parliament and learn about what happens there. A huge amount of work was done on this in school and during lockdown Mrs Bounds received and email from the Parliament Education & Engagement Officer which said...

 "Thank you very much for your portfolio submission, it’s great to see how committed you are to spreading the word about UK Parliament! I was particularly impressed by the work of your Debating Club – what an interesting topic to discuss! Also, it’s great to see you and your pupils’ work celebrated in the newspaper.

I am delighted to welcome you as a UK Parliament Teacher Ambassador (Gold)!"

This means that we can now proudly display this badge right here...

The document below shows how much work went into this award. A huge well done to Mrs Bounds and all the children involved.


If you are wondering what the strange noises are at the start of the video you can find out more by clicking here. See if you can learn the Makaton for Katy Perry's "Roar".