Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

A Message from the Governors

A warm welcome to all parents and carers from
the Governing Body at New Mill Schools


We, the governors, are a dedicated group of local people who share a desire in common with the staff of the school to provide for the children of our community an all round excellent education that includes robust teaching of the core subjects but that also inspires the children, allows them to be creative and active and above all to enjoy school and have fun.


At New Mill we try to treat all our children as individuals, fully appreciating and embracing the view that one size does not fit all. We love to have input from parents and really do have an open door policy – parents are welcome to come in and discuss their children’s progress at any time and we enjoy the opportunity to get to know our children better through your input.


You can also get involved in our school community in other ways; we have many parent volunteers who come in and help out in class or share a special skill with children. We have weekly family and good work assemblies where we welcome parents in to school to celebrate with the children.


We also have a wonderful parent, teachers association “Friends of New Mill Schools” who work tirelessly not only to raise money for the school but also to organise events for the enjoyment of the children, parents and other members of the community.


Parents can also join our governing body and become more involved in the nuts and bolts running of the school.


At New Mill we really do see the schools as part of the local community and a community in itself. As such we aim to inspire in our children a love of learning and pride for the school and its community. We celebrate success at every opportunity in all areas of the curriculum and we hope that all our children leave New Mill Juniors with self-belief and self confidence and pride for their own achievements and those of the school.


Our schools have high expectations and standards for our children in all areas. Our teaching staff set high standards for behaviour and are firm but fair in ensuring that the children are self-disciplined, have good positive behaviour and respect for each other and the adults who work with them or visit the school.


We believe in a rich, rounded curriculum including excellent art, sports and PE provision and an emphasis on a long term healthy life style within the curriculum.   Our provision includes indoor and outdoor opportunities, our wildlife garden, which includes an outdoor classroom, bird hide and many other treasures. It does have to be seen to be believed. We also have a wonderful allotment and orchard within the school grounds and regularly harvest fruit and vegetables grown by the children with the help of members of the community and school staff.


Thanks to our dedicated staff and other enthusiastic members of our community we are lucky at New Mill to be able to offer our children a huge range of extra-curricular activities. These range from many different sports clubs and teams who regularly compete in local competitions with amazing success, our school orchestra, guitar group, folk dancing group, gymnastics club, cookery club, lego club, craft club and others. We really hope there is something to inspire and involve all our children.


We are so lucky have a great team of experienced, dedicated, and passionate teachers and support staff who seem to delight in challenging the children to progress and achieve and also inspiring them to be creative and active and above all to enjoy school life.


If you are interesting in your child joining one of our schools please feel free to come and have a look round, ask questions and talk to our children. We also invite you to attend our evening for new parents where we hope any questions or concerns you have for your children that have not been answered in this prospectus can be addressed. We look forward to meeting you.


Dawn Whiteley MBE
Chair of Governors