At New Mill Infant and Junior Schools, we take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously. We have a robust safeguarding policy and effective procedures in place. Our staff are well trained and knowledgeable on how to create a safe and secure environment for all pupils and act promptly and effectively when required.
Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust Safeguarding Briefing
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
As we are two schools, we have an Executive Designated Safeguarding Leader (EDSL), who is Mrs E Barrow (Headteacher), and we have two Designated Safeguarding Leaders, Mrs L. Armitage and Miss M. Ingoe. Mrs A. Lockwood is our deputy designated safeguarding lead. All can be contacted via the school office on 01484 955820.
Our safeguarding governor is Joe Taylor-Hannah who can also be contacted via the office.
If you think a child in Kirklees is being abused or mistreated, or you have concerns about a child’s well-being, you should call and speak to someone at one of the following numbers:
If you have immediate concern for a child's safety, please call: 999
If you are a child, call: 01484 456848 or Childline: 0800 1111
Other sources of information and advice can be found at:-
Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership have produced a useful leaflet about Safeguarding. It explains the different types of child abuse and what to do if you have concerns about a child. It can be viewed here.