Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820



Our curriculum is driven by the need to inspire and prepare our children for lifelong learning.  At New Mill, we offer a rich, broad and vibrant curriculum which is ambitious for all learners.  Through our curriculum, we develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which are the building blocks for later life. 

We embody not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but go beyond the experiences of the classroom to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide- raising aspirations.  Our aim is to enrich every child's school experience by creating an environment where they are encouraged to celebrate difference, work together and be the best they can be.

At New Mill, we nurture talent and prepare children with the essential knowledge and skills for their future.  The exploration of new skills and experiences help to nurture resilience, curiosity and creativity whilst building self-belief. We provide learning experiences which promote kind, confident, self-motivated pupils, eager for lifelong learning further enhanced by our commitment to a values-based education. We develop a love of learning through exciting and creative topics.


The aims of our school curriculum at New Mill are:

  • to promote positive attitudes towards learning, so that all our children enjoy coming to school; challenge themselves; learn from mistakes and embrace new possibilities
  • to enable children to understand how they connect to the past, live in the present and look to the future; encouraging curiosity and a passion to learn
  • to provide opportunities to develop knowledge, understanding and skills; be ambitious, independent thinkers and questioners; acquiring a solid basis for lifelong learning
  • to promote values-based education so children take responsibility for themselves and their actions, are respectful and develop resilience


Subject Leaders have worked hard to put learning into meaningful contexts that will develop as the children progress through school.  Visit the class pages to view each year groups exciting learning journey at New Mill.