Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

A new, compulsory curriculum for PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education) and RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) is being introduced from September 2020.

Further information about these changes can be found in the documents provided below. 

A very useful summary version can be found at: DfE: Guides for Parents  

Some frequently asked questions can be found at: DfE: FAQs 


RSE_in_Primary_Schools_Guide_for_Parents.pdf .pdf
New_Mill_Junior_and_Infant_RSE_Policy_Consultation_Powerpoint_Presentation.pptx .pptx
DfE_Relationships_and_Sex_Education_Guidance.pdf .pdf
RSHE policy 2023.pdf .pdf
pshe-progression-map-.docx .docx
Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

A new, compulsory curriculum for PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education) and RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) is being introduced from September 2020.

Further information about these changes can be found in the documents provided below. 

A very useful summary version can be found at: DfE: Guides for Parents  

Some frequently asked questions can be found at: DfE: FAQs 


RSE_in_Primary_Schools_Guide_for_Parents.pdf .pdf
New_Mill_Junior_and_Infant_RSE_Policy_Consultation_Powerpoint_Presentation.pptx .pptx
DfE_Relationships_and_Sex_Education_Guidance.pdf .pdf
RSHE policy 2023.pdf .pdf
pshe-progression-map-.docx .docx
Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

A new, compulsory curriculum for PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education) and RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) is being introduced from September 2020.

Further information about these changes can be found in the documents provided below. 

A very useful summary version can be found at: DfE: Guides for Parents  

Some frequently asked questions can be found at: DfE: FAQs 


RSE_in_Primary_Schools_Guide_for_Parents.pdf .pdf
New_Mill_Junior_and_Infant_RSE_Policy_Consultation_Powerpoint_Presentation.pptx .pptx
DfE_Relationships_and_Sex_Education_Guidance.pdf .pdf
RSHE policy 2023.pdf .pdf
pshe-progression-map-.docx .docx
Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

A new, compulsory curriculum for PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education) and RSE (Relationships & Sex Education) is being introduced from September 2020.

Further information about these changes can be found in the documents provided below. 

A very useful summary version can be found at: DfE: Guides for Parents  

Some frequently asked questions can be found at: DfE: FAQs 


RSE_in_Primary_Schools_Guide_for_Parents.pdf .pdf
New_Mill_Junior_and_Infant_RSE_Policy_Consultation_Powerpoint_Presentation.pptx .pptx
DfE_Relationships_and_Sex_Education_Guidance.pdf .pdf
RSHE policy 2023.pdf .pdf
pshe-progression-map-.docx .docx