Mathematics Vision Statement
Our aim at New Mill schools is for all our children to have a solid core of maths fundamental skills that will enable them to enjoy maths lessons, have fun and confidently play with mathematical concepts and ideas. We will empower our pupils to reason, solve problems and adapt mathematical skills which is vital for future life opportunities.
Our Mathematics curriculum has been developed to ensure every child can reach their full potential. We ensure that lessons are progressive throughout the schools and build on previous learning. We encourage collaborative work to problem solve and discuss strategies and possible solutions. It provides pupils with a deep understanding of the subject.
Our aims
· To implement the current legal requirements of the Foundation Stage (FS) and the National Curriculum (NC) in creative, imaginative and interesting ways.
· To foster positive attitudes, fascination and excitement of discovery through the teaching and learning of mathematical concepts: for our children to develop a ‘can do’ attitude and perceive themselves as mathematicians.
· To focus on number sense and place value first: ensure pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, developing conceptual knowledge and an ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
· To ensure that pupils can reason mathematically and solve problems. Using problem solving as a central tool to broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of how mathematics is used in the wider world.
· For our children to use and understand mathematical language alongside a range of resources: recognising its importance as a language for communication and thinking.
Pupil Voice
‘'I like how if we get something wrong or don’t understand something the teacher comes back to it to help us.’'
‘'I like the unit overviews as they show us what we are doing in each maths unit’'
‘'Teachers give us challenge questions such as ‘How do you know?’'
‘'My times tables are going really well- if you get it wrong teachers help you. We know our score and were try and improve it. Before swimming we do extra practice and then a times tables test on talking times tables.’
‘'When we do our times tables flash cards teachers do activities to make them fun.'’
‘'Normally we come in early in the morning and do an extra times table session this is helping me get better’'
‘'In times tables sessions, if someone get the question wrong they help them and get to ask a friend. The whole class says together’'
‘'I like how we interact, we merge with other classes to do investigations. I love how we can learn with new children.’'
‘'Using whiteboards to help you jot down what we’ve be learning about''
‘'If we need extra help, after lunch we will work in a small group.’'
‘'I went out in a few groups and now it’s one of my most favourite subject.''
‘'I really struggled with line graphs because I couldn’t get the spacing right but I did another session and we looked at where I had gone wrong adn it helped me get better.'’
‘'Homework helps if you’re struggling – on a Tuesday lunchtime and pop in to get help on a few questions if you need it.'’
‘'We still do talking times tables to keep us going – 25 questions 6 seconds per question. We still use Hit the Button to help keep them in our minds. When we did our test in Year 4 we had a buffet to celebrate.’'
New Mill Schools Maths Overview
Maths Week
To join in with Maths Week we dressed as (Times Table) Rockstars and took part in Rock Battles, where one class battles against the other by practicing their times tables. Also, all the classes were given a large tube of Jellytots and challenge to find out how they could do maths with them. We did calculations, created graphs and charts, made patterns, looked at shapes and symmetry and did maths both indoors and out. Phew!!!