Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

Our Values and Ethos

Our School Vision - Building a brighter future together!



At New Mill Infant and Junior Schools, our vision can be encapsulated in the single sentence – Building a Brighter Future Together. 

It is a vision of two schools with a single purpose, to develop a continuous learning journey for all our pupils from EYFS to Year 6 so everyone can achieve their potential, now and in the future, becoming valued and valuable members of society and working together in partnership with pupils, parents, governors and our community, respecting and valuing the part we each play in delivering high quality education.

A place where we:

  • Have a love of learning and a growth mindset, not afraid to take risks or make mistakes
  • Have high aspirations and make exceptional progress
  • Ensure a diverse, creative and exciting curriculum both in and out of the classroom
  • Foster a positive attitude and never waste an opportunity
  • Are proud, happy, thoughtful and compassionate
  • Are warm, friendly and welcoming, nurturing and encouraging everyone
  • Care for each other, accepting and valuing everyone for who they are
  • Learn to get along with others and find ways to disagree well
  • Develop team players and confident leaders of all ages, genders and backgrounds
  • Promote respect, kindness and friendship, always behaving well and following our three school rules

A vision of two schools working in harmony to develop a single school community where everyone is:




British Values Statement
