Kirkroyds Lane, New Mill, HD9 1LS
01484 955820

Learning Accord Multi Academy Trust is the admissions authority for New Mill Schools and determines the Admissions Policy for New Mill Infant and Junior Schools.


To view our Admissions Policy, please click here.


Applications for admission to either the Infant or Junior School should be made between the 1st of September and the closing date of the 15th of January. Applications for admission to either school should be made using the Kirklees online application service. Kirklees Council administers the process of school place allocation and will only accept online applications. Click on the link below to go to their website.

 Kirklees Council School Admissions

Important - Is your child in Year 2?

  • A place in Year 2 at New Mill Infant School does not automatically give you a place in Year 3 at New Mill Junior School because they are separate schools.
  • Children who attend Year 2 at NMI do not receive a guaranteed place or higher priority for places at NMJ.
  • You must make a separate application for a place in Year 3 at New Mill Juniors.

Important - Is your child in Year 6?

  • If your child is leaving to go to High School you have until the 31st of October to apply online.

Please click here to submit your High School Application

Moved into the area? Thinking of joining us midyear?